Testimony Tuesday 8/9

13934705_10153718099412694_2171580940834234875_nSunday I was in concert at a church homecoming, but had to leave as soon as the service was over to make my Sunday evening concert. The ladies at the church said they would make me a plate to go and would have it ready for me in the fellowship building. Well, I went to get the “PLATE” and it was actually 5 plates, including desserts! I laughed and thanked them, and took the plates with me, of course. Funny thing is that I have been trying to diet, so that I could be better prepared for the photo shoot for this new television show. I asked GOD to let me meet someone that was hungry. Well, I drove about 5 miles from the morning church and seen a car that was sitting on the side of the road with their flashers on and the hood up. I pulled over and there was a lady, with 2 children sitting in the car. I asked if help was on the way or if there was something that I could do. She said that her husband was on his way, and about 30 minutes out. I asked if they had eaten lunch, and told her about the food. She said, “No sir, we haven’t eaten and my children just said that they were starving. We have been sitting here for almost 3 hours now.” She thankfully accepted the food and said she believed that GOD sent me. I told her that GOD knew exactly where she was and would always supply her needs. I told her that she could always refer back to this very day, simply as a reminder of just how important she and her children are to GOD.

As I drove away, I couldn’t help but think of all the times that GOD has provided each of my needs. HE has always known my situation and prepared a way for me, even before I knew that there was a situation. GOD, I remember when I gave my coat away and you supplied me one much better than what I had. GOD, thank you for always being more than enough!

Please take a moment to remember something special that GOD has done in your life, and respond with a short post. HE deserves so much more than HE receives. Also, please take time to share with your family and friends. We are most blessed when we bless HIM and those around us.

Have an awesome Testimony Tuesday!

Johnathan Bond
‪#‎JohnathanBond‬ ‪#‎TestimonyTuesday‬

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